Core project related tasks

Ant4Eclipse contains several tasks and conditions that can be used with every eclipse project type. This chapter explains the usage of these tasks and conditions.


Scope: All Project Types


The hasNature condition is an Ant condition that can be used to check if a project has a specific nature. Natures are used to assign specific behaviour to Eclipse projects. Java projects for example have the nature 'org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature'.

The hasNature condition can be used with ant's native condition and waitfor tasks (see Condition Task). It can also be used with the if-task from the ant-contrib project to create build steps that check whether a project has some specific nature.


The hasNature datatype provides the following arguments:

Argument Description Required
workspaceDirectory Absolute path of the workspace directory Either 'workspaceDirectory' or 'workspaceId' has to be specified
workspaceId The identifier of a defined workspace (see <workspaceDefinition>) Either 'workspaceDirectory' or 'workspaceId' has to be specified
projectName Name of the eclipse project yes
nature Name of a Nature that should be checked yes

Example usage

The following example checks if the project with the name '' has the nature 'org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature':

    <ant4eclipse:hasNature workspacedirectory="${workspace}"
                           nature="org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature" />


Scope: All Project Types


The hasBuildCommand condition is an Ant condition that can be used to check if an Eclipse project has a specific build command. An Eclipse project can have several build command assigned to it. Those build commands are normally executed after a file has been saved (incremental build) or when a full build is initiated (Project -> Clean...) (manual build). A typical java project contains the org.eclipse.jdt.core.javabuilder which invokes the default Eclipse compiler on java sources.

If you would like to write build steps that depend on specific build commands, you can use the hasBuildCommand condition which checks if a project has a specified buildCommand. The hasBuildCommand-condition can be used with ant's native condition and waitfor tasks (see Condition Task). It can also be used with the if-task from the ant-contrib project to create build steps that check whether some specific build commands exist or not.


The hasBuildCommand datatype provides the following arguments:

Argument Description Required
workspaceDirectory Absolute path of the workspace directory Either 'workspaceDirectory' or 'workspaceId' has to be specified
workspaceId The identifier of a defined workspace (see <workspaceDefinition>) Either 'workspaceDirectory' or 'workspaceId' has to be specified
projectName Name of the eclipse project yes
buildCommand Name of the build command that should be checked yes

Example usage

The following example checks if the project with the name '' has the build command 'org.eclipse.jdt.core.javabuilder':

  <ant4eclipse:hasBuildCommand workspacedirectory="${workspace}"
                               buildcommand="org.eclipse.jdt.core.javabuilder" />


Scope: All Project Types


The executeBuildCommands task allows you to iterate over one or more build commands that are defined in your eclipse project.


The executeBuildCommands task provides the following arguments:

Argument Description Required
workspaceDirectory Absolute path of the workspace directory Either 'workspaceDirectory' or 'workspaceId' has to be specified
workspaceId The identifier of a defined workspace (see <workspaceDefinition>) Either 'workspaceDirectory' or 'workspaceId' has to be specified
projectName Name of the eclipse project yes

Example usage

The following example iterates over all build commands defined in the eclipse project '':

<ant4eclipse:executeBuildCommands workspacedirectory="${workspace}"


Scope: All Project Types


Returns the project directory for a given eclipse project. Since ant4eclipse supports the usage of linked projects, it is necessary in some case to resolve the 'real' path of a project.


The getProjectDirectory task provides the following arguments:

Argument Description Required
workspaceDirectory Absolute path of the workspace directory Either 'workspaceDirectory' or 'workspaceId' has to be specified
workspaceId The identifier of a defined workspace (see <workspaceDefinition>) Either 'workspaceDirectory' or 'workspaceId' has to be specified
projectName Name of the eclipse project yes
property The name of the property that will hold the resolved path either 'pathId' or 'property' has to be specified
pathId The reference id for the path that will be created either 'pathId' or 'property' has to be specified
pathSeparator The system-dependent path-separator character. This character is used to separate filenames in a sequence of files. no (default: On UNIX systems, this character is ':'; on Microsoft Windows systems it is ';')
dirSeparator The system-dependent default name-separator character. no (default: On UNIX systems the value of this field is '/'; on Microsoft Windows systems it is '\')
relative Determines whether the result path should be resolved relative to the given workspace or absolute no (default: false)

Example usage

The following example resolves the absolute path of the the project with the name '':

<ant4eclipse:getProjectDirectory workspacedirectory="${workspace}"
	                         property="test" />


Scope: All Project Types


The workspaceDefinition type allows you define a workspace with a custom workspace layout. In eclipse a workspace always has a flat layout (Workspace -> Projects), but many users store there eclipse projects in a hierarchical way within the source code repository. Ant4eclipse directly supports the usage of custom workspace layouts through this datatype.

Many thanks to Mark Riley for submitting the initial patch!


The workspaceDefinition datatype provides the following arguments:

Argument Description Required
id The identifier of the workspace definition yes

Nested Elements

To define a custom workspace layout, you can use one or more nested Directory Sets.

Example usage

The following example defines a workspace that contains projects that can be found in any sub-directory (recursively) of the directory 'D:/tmp':

  <ant4eclipse:workspaceDefinition id="myWorkspace">
    <dirset dir="D:/tmp">
      <include name="**"/>

You can use the workspace definition within the ant4eclipse task by using the 'workspaceId' attribute insead of the 'workspaceDirectory' attribute.


Scope: All Project Types


The linkedResourceVariable datatype is an Ant datatype that allows you to specify an environment specific path for a linked resource. Within the eclipse IDE these variables are defined in the preferences dialog (Window -> Preferences..., General -> Workspace -> Linked Resources).


The linkedResourceVariable type provides the following arguments:

Argument Description Required
name The name of the linked resource path variable as specified in the eclipse preferences. yes
location The location of the linked resource. yes

Usage examples

<ant4eclipse:linkedResourceVariable name="myLinkedResourcesDirectory" location="D:/location" />