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Ant4eclipse 1.0.0.M2 milestone released!

We just released the second milestone of Ant4Eclipse containing some new features and bug fixes. You can download the release from our Sourceforge Website at

Resolved issues in this release:

ant4eclipse PDE: ant4eclipse Build:
ant4eclipse general:  
AE-44 Check all platform tasks/types etc. for backward compatibility
AE-156 SC/Tutorial: Installing Ant4Eclipse
AE-81 Separation: Model-Layer and ANT
ant4eclipse JDT:  
AE-94 Create ready-to-use macros for common jdt-based tasks
AE-170 ant4eclipse:getUsedProjects crashes in org.ant4eclipse.ant.jdt.type.JdtClassPathContainerType.doValidate
AE-168 Allow iteration over classpath entries in executeJdtProject
AE-167 Implement JdtProjectFileSet
AE-155 It should be possible to set a default compiler settings while in the buildJdtProject macro
AE-138 Provide more useful exception message for missing ContainerClasspathEntryHandler
AE-116 Resolving a JRE_CONTAINER with OSGi%Minimum-1.0 fails
AE-177 Macro 'buildPlugin': Introduce new argument for controlling whether or not the output directory should be cleaned
AE-139 Build fails if bin folder is missing
AE-107 Generate Clover coverage report in automatic build
AE-73 Add source to build

Please feel free to add new bugs and feature request to our JIRA issue tracker at

And now enjoy this new ant4eclipse ;-)