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Question to the renaming of target platform plugins during a product export in eclipse

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we are using spring and eclipse RCP in one of our applicaton. Doing a PDE product build with ant4eclipse yields
to different results compared to the product export of eclipse:

In the target plattform we have i.e. the following spring plugin:
- spring-osgi-core-2.0.0.M1.jar

Unfortunately this bundles file name ("spring-osgi-core-2.0.0.M1.jar") does not correspond to the bundles
Bundle-SymbolicName in the MANIFEST.MF which is "org.springframework.osgi.core". And there is a dash instead of
an underscore between name and version. From the information in the MANIFEST.MF,
the file name should be "org.springframework.osgi.core_2.0.0.M1.jar".

I don't know, why this is not the case and the spring people choose these file names. A quick search in the
internet did not deliver any usefull information. Any hint here is pretty much welcome.

If I do now a product export in eclipse, these files get renamed in the way as stated above:


Ant4eclipse is not doing this during a product build. Here the files are just copied over. This yields to different
results and different entries i.e. in the config.ini file.

Is this behaviour intended by ant4eclipse? Do you plan to do such a renaming as well, like eclipse is doing it?
If you want I can open a jira.

Of course, I know that I can just rename the files in the target platform and everthing is fine for me. The question is,
if ant4eclipse plans to behave here in the same way as eclipse?

Thanks for your work on a4e and best regards,


Hi Georg, Sorry for the late

Hi Georg,

Sorry for the late answer but this one just slipped through. Please open a JIRA for this issue and assign it to me such that you're the reporter allowing to verify it later.

Regarding you're question I have to look a bit deeper into it as I need to check some documentation on that (I'm not sure whether the bundle name and the jar name must be consistent; it's common practice but I need to check whether such a difference is allowed or not and I suspect it's allowed).

Unfortunately I can't tell you when I'm working on it as I really don't have much time so you have to wait unless one of my buddies is taking over here.

Best regards

Daniel Kasmeroglu

Thanks for the answer, jira

Thanks for the answer, jira crated:

Best regards,

Dear ant4eclipse Team, please

Dear ant4eclipse Team,

please reply with a short comment on the topic. This would be really appreciated.

Best regards,