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Scope: JDT projects


The executeJdtProject task allows you to iterate over an eclipse JDT project and execute ant tasks, e.g. for each source folder or for each output folder. Although it is possible to access the eclipse project information with the getJdtClassPath, getJdtSourcePath and getJdtSourcePath tasks, the recommended way of building JDT projects with ant4eclipse is to use the executeJdtProject task.

With the executeJdtProject task you can iterate over each source or output folder, or you can execute ant tasks once for the jdt project. Within forXYZ subelements, project information are available through several (ant) properties and references that are "passed in" automatically.


The executeJdtProject task provides the following arguments:

Argument Description Required
workspaceDirectory Absolute path of the workspace directory Either 'workspaceDirectory' or 'workspaceId' has to be specified
workspaceId The identifier of a defined workspace (see <workspaceDefinition>) Either 'workspaceDirectory' or 'workspaceId' has to be specified
projectName Name of the eclipse project yes
pathSeparator The system-dependent path-separator character. This character is used to separate filenames in a sequence of files. no (default: On UNIX systems, this character is ':'; on Microsoft Windows systems it is ';')
dirSeparator The system-dependent default name-separator character. no (default: On UNIX systems the value of this field is '/'; on Microsoft Windows systems it is '\')
prefix The prefix for all scoped references and properties. no (default: executeJdtProject)

Nested Elements

To iterate over source or output folders specified in a JDT project, you can define one or more nested elements. Those elements can contain several task calls, similar to a target element. The following elements are defined:

  • forEachSourceDirectory: executed for each source directory
  • forEachOutputDirectory: executed for each output directory
  • forProject: executed once
  • forEachRuntimeClasspathEntry: executed for each resolved runtime classpath entry of the project. This element supports the attribute 'reverse' that can be set to true to iterate over the classpath from its bottom to top (i.e. last entry first)

Scoped Properties

Several properties and references are "passed in", so you can access them within the forEachSourceDirectory, forEachOutputDirectory or forProject elements. The following scoped properties are available:

Property Availability Description
<prefix>.boot.classpath all elements The boot class path of the used JRE.
<prefix>.classpath.relative.runtime all elements The runtime class path of the JDT project, relative to the workspace location.
<prefix>.classpath.absolute.runtime all elements The absolute runtime class path of the JDT project.
<prefix>.classpath.relative.compiletime all elements The compile time class path of the JDT project, relative to the workspace location.
<prefix>.classpath.absolute.compiletime all elements The absolute compile time class path of the JDT project.
<prefix> all elements The absolute path of the default ouput directory.
<prefix> all elements The name of the default ouput directory.
<prefix>.source.directories all elements The source directories (only set if the project contains source directories)
<prefix> forEachSourceDirectory The absolute path of the current source directory.
<prefix> forEachSourceDirectory The name of the current source directory.
<prefix> forEachSourceDirectory, forEachOutputDirectory The absoulte path of the current ouput directory.
<prefix> forEachSourceDirectory, forEachOutputDirectory The name of the current ouput directory.
<prefix>.classpathEntry.absolute forEachRuntimeClasspathEntry The absolute path of this classpath entry
<prefix> forEachRuntimeClasspathEntry The filename of the entry (i.e. the last part of it's path)
<prefix>.classpathEntry.isExisting forEachRuntimeClasspathEntry true if the entry points to an exisiting resource. Otherwise false.
<prefix>.classpathEntry.isFile forEachRuntimeClasspathEntry true if the entry points to an exisiting file in the filesystem. Otherwise false.
<prefix>.classpathEntry.isFolder forEachRuntimeClasspathEntry true if the entry points to an exisiting folder in the filesystem. Otherwise false.
<prefix>.classpathEntry.isProjectRelative forEachRuntimeClasspathEntry true if the entry points to a resource which is located within the project. Otherwise false.

Scoped References

The following scoped references are available:

Reference Availability Description
<prefix>.boot.classpath.path all elements The boot class path of the used JRE.
<prefix>.classpath.relative.runtime.path all elements The runtime class path of the JDT project, relative to the workspace location.
<prefix>.classpath.absolute.runtime.path all elements The absolute runtime class path of the JDT project.
<prefix>.classpath.relative.compiletime.path all elements The compile time class path of the JDT project, relative to the workspace location.
<prefix>.classpath.absolute.compiletime.path all elements The absolute compile time class path of the JDT project.
<prefix> all elements The absolute path of the default ouput directory.
<prefix>.source.directories.path all elements The source directories (only set if the project contains source directories)
<prefix> forEachSourceDirectory The absolute path of the current source directory.
<prefix> forEachSourceDirectory, forEachOutputDirectory The absoulte path of the current ouput directory.
<prefix>.classpathEntry.fileSet forEachRuntimeClasspathEntry The current classpath entry as an Ant FileSet

Example usage

The following example 'executes' a jdt project and echoes the path information for each source directory contained in the project.

<ant4eclipse:executeJdtProject workspace="${workspaceDir}"
                               projectName="${projectName}" >
   <!-- echo information for project -->
      <echo>Executing project '${projectName}'...</echo>
      <echo>Boot class path: ${executeJdtProject.boot.classpath}</echo>	
      <echo>Relative runtime class path: ${executeJdtProject.classpath.relative.runtime}</echo>
      <echo>Absolute runtime class path: ${executeJdtProject.classpath.absolute.runtime}</echo>
      <echo>Relative compiletime class path: ${executeJdtProject.classpath.relative.compiletime}</echo>
      <echo>Absolue compiletime class path: ${executeJdtProject.classpath.absolute.compiletime}</echo>
      <echo>Default output directory: ${}</echo>
   <!-- echo information for each source directory -->
      <echo>Source folder: ${}</echo>
      <echo>Output folder: ${}</echo>