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Scope: Python projects


The pythonContainer type allows to declare python installations where each installation obviously provides an interpreter and a library (the runtime environment).


The pythonContainer task provides the following arguments:

Argument Description Required
default The id of the python installation that shall be used as the default. no (Defaults to the first listed installation).

Each installation will be declared using a separate child element pyre within that container element:

Argument Description Required
id The id allowing to identify the installation. yes
location The location to the root of a python installation. yes
sitePackages Boolean value allowing to decide whether site packages (located within the directory site-packages) shall be considered part of the pythonpath or not. no (Default: true)

Currently the following types of python are supported:

Example usage

  <ant4eclipse:pythonContainer default="cpython-2.5">
    <ant4eclipse:pyre id="cpython-2.5" location="/usr/lib/python/cpython/2.5"/>
    <ant4eclipse:pyre id="cpython-2.6" location="/usr/lib/python/cpython/2.6"/>