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Scope: PDE Projects


This macro builds a complete eclipse product. This incorporates the build process for each feature/plugin declared by this product.

Important: This task is implemented as an Ant macro. To use this task, you have to import the file 'a4e-pde-macros.xml' in your build file.


The buildProduct task provides the following arguments:

Argument Description Required
workspaceDirectory Absolute path of the workspace directory Either 'workspaceDirectory' or 'workspaceId' has to be specified
workspaceId The identifier of a defined workspace (see <workspaceDefinition>) Either 'workspaceDirectory' or 'workspaceId' has to be specified
productfile The location of the product definition file. yes
targetPlatformId The id of the target platform. yes
platformConfigurationId The id of the platform configuration (for cross platform builds). no
destination Name of the directory that will contain the completely built rcp application. yes
packageAsJar If set to true the features/plugins will be packaged as a jar file. Otherwise they will be created as exploded directories. no (default: false)
defaultCompilerOptionsFile Absolute path to an eclipsed compiler options file that is used as the default compiler options file if no project specific file exists. no
os The operating system to create the build for. Must be one of the following values: win32,solaris,macosx,linux. no (default: win32)
clearDestination If set to true the destination directory will be cleaned up before the build actually takes place. no (default: false)
commandline If set to true the commandline version of the rcp will be built. This is only relevant for win32 builds. no (default: false)
packageSources If set to true source bundles will be created, too. no (default: true)
useEcj Enables or disables the use of the ecj compiler as the backend. no, default to true

Lifecycle hooks

To allow the user of ant4eclipse to add additional build steps to the product build, the buildProduct macro defines the following lifecycle hooks that are implement as macro elements. The scope information identifies the properties which are available within this macro define (check out the executeProduct task description for detailed information).

Build phase Description Required Scope
validate Validate the project is correct and all necessary information is available. no forProduct
deploy Perform any operations necessary to prepare a package before the actual packaging. no forProduct

Example usage

The following example builds a product with the project. The built product will be stored into 'd:/my-rcp'.


The next example shows how to add additional build steps to the build process.

    <!-- sometimes we just want to add some documentation -->
    <mkdir dir="d:/my-rcp/docs"/>
    <copy todir="d:/my-rcp/docs">
      <fileset dir="V:/my-rcp/docs" includes="**/*"/>